Complete Openlayers Course
This course uses OpenLayers 10.2
- Who is this course for ?
- Course Overview and Tools Required
- What is WebGIS and how to debug it ?
- What all you can expect in this course ?
Introduction to OpenLayers
- Getting Started with OpenLayers
- Logic behind OpenLayer components
- Map in OpenLayers
- View in OpenLayers
- Layers in OpenLayers
- Interaction in OpenLayers
- Controls in OpenLayers
- Overlays in OpenLayers
Working with Vector Data
- Loading and Styling Vector Data
- Advanced Vector Styling Techniques
- Vector Data Sources and API Integration
- Vector Data Manipulation and Filtering
- Dynamic Data and Real-Time Updates
- Advanced Feature Handling
- Labeling and Annotation
- Exporting and Saving Vector Data
Working with Raster Data
- Loading WMS Layers
- Loading Static Raster Images
- Working with Tile Sources (WMTS, XYZ)
- Loading WebGL Tile Layer
- Dealing with COG
- Styling Raster Data
User Interactions
- Adding Overlays and Popups
- Interactive Popups and Tooltips
- Basic Map Interactions
- Working with Feature Interactions
- Drawing and Editing Features
Spatial Analysis
- Spatial Querying and Filtering
- Advanced Spatial Operations with Turf.js
- Using JSTS for analysis
- Managing Projections
Extensions and Plugins
- Cesium integration library.- Advance stylings using
- Layer switcher usinf
- Extending drawing capabilities using
Sample project
- Cadastral data management app
- Satellite data visualization app